

Smart Contract Developer

I am a software engineer with 13+ years of experience, frontend (react)/ backend (java/node), I have worked with companies from various industries mainly health-care,finance and retail.

Currently, I am interested on decentralized applications developing Solidity Smart Contracts at mStable, some aside projects of this can be found on my github account.

mStable - Core Contributor

mStable unites stablecoins, lending and swapping into one standard.

Technology: Hardhat, Ethers, Solidity

React Dapp - ERC721 Decentralized Art Market

React Dapp Decentralized ERC721 Tokens Market Place

Technology: React, Truffle, Web3.js, Solidity

React Dapp - ERC20 Token for an ICO

React Dapp that enables to create an Initial Coin Offering of an ERC20 Token

Technology: React, Truffle, Web3.js, Solidity

Nextjs Dapp - ERC721 Decentralized NFT Market

NFT Market Market pkace - NextJs Dapp that allows the exchange of ERC721 tokens Polygon Matic

Technology: Nextjs, Hardhat, Ethers.js, Solidity, Polygon

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